I am so pleased to extend a very warm welcome to you and introduce our website for the Rose Croix District of Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wessex which I hope will provide you with information and insight into our wonderful Order.
Although the Order is generally known as ‘Rose Croix’ it is properly known as the Ancient & Accepted Rite and is made up of 33 degrees of which the Rose Croix is the 18th.
There are currently 16 Chapters in the Wessex District and full details of these Chapters and their meeting places can be found by clicking on the CHAPTERS tab and I am sure that you will find one local to you.
Rose Croix is a ‘Christian’ Order and the emphasis is on Brethren who profess the ‘Trinitarian Christian Faith’ and who have been Master Masons for at least a year, ‘Trinitarian’ refers to the Holy Trinity which is at the heart of all mainstream Christianity and is, in no way, anything different or radical.
All are welcome who are of the Christian Faith and who seek friendliness, companionship and integrity and who will appreciate a ‘beautiful and thought-provoking ceremony’.
New members are always very welcome so if you are interested in joining us or even just finding out a bit more and talking to somebody about the order, then please contact our District Recorder, Ill. Bro. Colin Brown 31° or any of the Districts Chapters via their Recorder.
Rose Croix is the friendliest and caring of Orders and one that I have loved from the very start. I heartily recommend it to you!
Thank you for visiting our website, please do so again on a regular basis, and I look forward to seeing you!
V.Ill Bro. Paul Hillyard 33°
Inspector General – District of Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wessex