Author Archives: WebMaster
Sovereign Grand Commander’s Lecture
The lecture given by Most Puissant Brother, Alan John Englefield 33°, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Ancient and Accepted Rite on 18th August 2020 is now available on YouTube. For those of us who missed the actual broadcast, we can … Continue reading
Covid-19 update from The Supreme Council 33° – 21 August 2020
TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE WITHIN HOME DISTRICTS OR GROUPS UNDER THE SUPREME COUNCIL FOR ENGLAND AND WALES Dear Sir and brother – In its last letter, the Supreme Council invited all members of the Order … Continue reading
New District Recorder
The Inspector General is pleased to announce the appointment of Ill.Bro. Colin Brown 31° as the new District Recorder, following the well deserved retirement of Ill.Bro. John Drake 32°. Colin has been the District Events Coordinator for several years so … Continue reading
Hello world!
Welcome to this, the new website for the District of Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wessex, of the Ancient and Accepted Rite (the Rose Croix).